Thursday, September 13, 2007

Two Things About Crocodile Hunting

Why did the crocodile hunters end their hunt after they caught just one crocodile?

Because they thought two magarmach is too bad.

PS. Magarmach is crocodile in Hindi.
PPS. It's really overcast here, hence this post might not be in the best of the lights. Still, we'd like to dedicate this post to Shri Steve Irwin.


Harish said...

You would like to see these error filled pages on ibnlive. There are misspelt words, incorrect sentences, sentences of devoid of any punctuation whatsoever,

Harish said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harish said...

Sorry, that link became incomplete after posting the comment. Here goes the link.
Ram Setu

Nikhil said...



Grateful indeed to Shri Sardesai and Co. for the entertainment they provide us.

Such gems in that piece, is this issue an embracement for the government? Nice, very nice.